Tonfly 2X helmet set, with original cutaway, factory installed Hyp Eye D Pro, Sony HDR-CX115E with batery and charger,Shumaher Box (box fixed to the helmet by 4 screws,camera fits tight inside,one hand screw at the top of box to release the camera), lenses Opteka 0,3 and Century Optics 0,55. Never used professionally, always handled with care.€350 for whole set, or will sell separately, Helmet - € 00 as a set only,Sony HDR-CX115E with batery and charger- € 60,Hyp Eye D Pro- €40,Shumaher Box- €40,Opteka 0,3 €40,Century 0,55 €30.Prices not include shipment. 00447466882465, |
Цена: € 350